Vocaburaly ことば

The 100 Japanese Words You Must Know #4 Food たべもの

Hi everyone. If you've just started learning Japanese, you should increase your vocabulary. This blog introduces one hun...
Vocaburaly ことば

The 100 Japanese Words You Must Know #3 Occupations しごと

Hi everyone. If you've just started learning Japanese, you should increase your vocabulary. This blog introduces one hun...
Vocaburaly ことば

How to say the 7 days of the week in Japanese – Easy way of remembering the sounds and kanji

Hi everyone, are you enjoying leaning Japanese? Some of my students are having troubles remembering days of the week bec...
Vocaburaly ことば

The 100 Japanese Words You Must Know #2 Sports スポーツ

Hi everyone. If you've just started learning Japanese, you should increase your vocabulary. This blog introduces one hun...
Vocaburaly ことば

The 100 Japanese Words You Must Know #1 Fruits くだもの

Are you going to start learning Japanese or have just started? Then you should start with learning basic words. This tim...
Grammar ぶんぽう

A downloadable conjugation table of the most common Japanese verbs

Konnichiwa, everyone!こんにちは、みなさん。 Since Japanese verbs change in many ways, Japanese learners have to remember conjugatio...