Hi everyone. If you’ve just started learning Japanese, you should increase your vocabulary. This blog introduces one hundred basic words you must know. This time, let me introduce four food words. Start the video to listen to the pronunciation.
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The four food words you must know
- にく niku meat
- さかな sakana fish
- やさい yasai vegetables
- くだもの kudamono fruits
These are the main four food groups, and the general word for ‘food’ is たべもの or tabemono in Japanese.
Example sentences
にくが すきです。
niku ga suki desu
I like meat.
さかなは すきじゃないです。
sakana wa sukijanai desu
I don’t like fish.
やさいを まいにち たべます。
yasai o mainichi tabemasu
I eat vegetables every day.
くだものを ときどき たべます。
kudamono o tokidoki tabemasu
I sometimes eat fruits.