Are you going to start learning Japanese or have just started? Then you should start with learning basic words. This time, let me introduce 4 fruits words out of The 100 Japanese Words You Must Know. Start the video to listen to the pronunciation.
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The four fruits words you must know
- りんご ringo apple
- バナナ banana banana
- みかん mikan mandarin
- すいか suika watermelon
Example sentences
りんごが あります。
ringo ga arimasu
There is an apple.
バナナが すきです。
bababa ga suki desu
I like bananas.
きのう みかんを たべました。
kinoo mikan o tabemashita.
I ate a mandarin yesterday.
このすいかは あまいです。
kono suika wa amai desu
This watermelon is sweet.