How to say the 7 days of the week in Japanese – Easy way of remembering the sounds and kanji

Vocaburaly ことば

Hi everyone, are you enjoying leaning Japanese?
Some of my students are having troubles remembering days of the week because we are using natural elements and kanji to express the 7 days of the week.

This time, I’ll introduce helpful hints for remembering the 7 days of the week in Japanese.

The 7 days of the week in Japanese

First of all, let me introduce how to say the days of the week in Japanese.

  • Sunday: にちようび(日曜日)nichi-yoobi
  • Monday: げつようび(月曜日)getsu-yoobi
  • Tuesday: かようび(火曜日)ka-yoobi
  • Wednesday: すいようび(水曜日)sui-yoobi
  • Thursday: もくようび(木曜日)moku-yoobi
  • Friday: きんようび(金曜日)Kin-yoobi
  • Saturday: どようび(土曜日)Do-yoobi

Do you see the rule?
‘yoobi’ ようび(曜日)means ‘day’, and the part before ‘yoobi’ is from natural elements.

the Sunthe Moonfirewatertreegoldsoil
days of the week in Japanese

We often omit ‘yoobi’ to express days of the week like, 月水金 (=Monday, Wednesday and Friday).

Next, let me introduce helpful sentences to help you remember how to say the 7 days of the week and how to write them in kanji.

Sunday – にちようび(日曜日)


Need tea on sunny Sunday


てんきのよい にちようびに おちゃが ひつようです

Sunday natural element is the Sun just like Sunday.
‘need tea’ sounds like ni-chee(にち), and sunny means 日 in kanji.

Monday – げつようび(月曜日)


Get to the Moon on Monday


げつようびに つきに いきます

Monday natural element is the Moon just like Monday.
‘get to’ sounds line getsu(げつ), and moon means 月 in kanji.

Tuesday – かようび(火曜日)


Put out the fire on the car on Tuesday


かようびに くるまの ひを けします

Tuesday natural element is fire.
Fire means 火 in kanji, and car sounds like ka(か).

Wednesday – すいようび(水曜日)


Swim in the water on Wednesday


すいようびに みずのなかで およぎます

Wednesday natural element is water.
‘Swim’ sounds like sui(すい), and water means 水 in kanji.

Thursday – もくようび(木曜日)


Catch a mockingbird in the tree

on Thursday


もくようびに ものまねどりを つかまえます

Thursday natural element is a tree.
Mocking sounds like moku(もく), and tree means 木 in kanji.

Friday – きんようび(金曜日)


See the king of gold on Friday


きんようびに きんのおうさまに あいます

Friday natural element is gold.
King sounds like kin(きん), and gold means 金 in kanji.

Saturday – どようび(土曜日)


Play with clay dough on Saturday


どようびに ねんどで あそびます

Saturday natural element is soil.
Clay means 土 in kanji, and dough sounds like do(ど).


Recite these sentences to remember the days of the week in Japanese.

  • Need tea on sunny Sunday – にちようび
  • Get to the Moon on Monday – げつようび
  • Put off the fire on the car on Tuesday – かようび
  • Swim in the water on Wednesday – すいようび
  • Catch a mocking bird in the tree on Thursday – もくようび
  • See the king of gold on Friday – きんようび
  • Play with clay dough on Saturday – どようび

Hope that helps!

